
Sunday 2 March 2014


Yesterday I started on a blogging everyday for 100 days challenge..
There are over 600 other bloggers here in Sweden doing the exact same thing as me right now... and its going to take me all the way to June 8th... a blog a day...

Of course some of these blogs are going to be small - just a phrase just a little thought... others will be sharing images of activities and yet others will be deeper thoughts...

This time will also include my visit to Canada... which I am getting more an more excited about - and my husband is saying... "why didn't you plan a longer stay so that you can explore Canada a little too?" - and of course, for me, that is an impossibility... what about the children and my colleagues at work...? Not because the children and my colleagues are not generous and would want me to spend the time exploring... but because of my own guilty feelings of being somewhere else!!

I'll be using this Blogg100 to share a little more about ME - who I am... now THAT is a good question... who am I? Where have I come on my journey... oh-oh maybe not the best topic to explore if I want to keep these posts short... hahaha.
The above photo is of me and my girls in 2001 when we lived for 6 months in Adelaide, Australia...


  1. I was interested to discover your blog! I always enjoy reading about Reggio Emilia inspired ideas.

  2. Glenda Houldsworth3 March 2014 at 05:03

    I live in Adelaide, Australia!!! (..and your blog is great by the way!)

  3. Hello,is it on twitter or?

    1. there is a facebook group as well... that is where I discovered the whole #blogg100

      and yes it is on twitter too...
      everytime you write a blog you use the hashtag too...
      but you also had to sign up for it aswell... look at the fb-group for help... the start date was the 1st Match...
